Here are a few books to start.
In America’s Original Sin: Racism, White Privilege, and the Bridge to a New America, Jim Wallis calls on all Americans to repent of the story about race in America that was a lie and write a new American story of the defeat of racism.
The Water Dancer, a novel by Ta-Nenisi Coats asks the question, “What if memory had the power to transport enslaved people to freedom?” In the process Coats taps into the collective culture, memory and pain of generations of black Americans to offer an alternative history.
In Between the world and me, Ta-Nenisi Coats writes a letter to his son describing that fear the inhabits the lives of black people growing up in America.
In Waking up white and finding myself in the story of Race, Debby Irving tells a powerful story of a nice white woman who only wanted to help, understanding race and her role in it with the help of African American friends.
Please use the comment section to suggest a book or books that have helped you understand the challenge of Racism.