An ice berg headed for the shores of our lives. The ice bergs are moving because human behavior has warmed the earth causing them to brake off creating successive waves to crash our shores. People are being forced to move from their comfortable houses on the shores of oceans, lakes and rivers in America. People are moving from shaded houses in the forests because America is burning.
These are not the only waves created by human behavior disrupting our life in this world in cascading waves. Human beings are tool makers. Our tools change the way we live and work. Our lives are changing because we share tools and because we can share words, images and information digitally.
Many of us read Alvin Toffler’s book, THE THIRD WAVE. He claimed that we were living at the beginning of the information age that would turn the world into a global village. In this village people would participate in an interactive world accessing an endless array of services and information while building communities not based on geography but on common interests.
- First Wave (1985-1999) BUILDING THE INTERNET
- Third Wave (2016- ) INTERNET OF EVERYTHING
- Health Care will be reimagined
- Education will be retooled
- Food will be safer
- Our commute to work will be easier.
Unbelievable change lies ahead.
The table conversation at our house with our children and grandchildren is often about vocation choices. Their great grandfather’s first job was driving a horse driven school bus. Just as my father would not have wanted to be the last maker of buggy whips after Mr. Ford started producing the Model A, our children should probably choose a profession other than taxi or truck driver. Driverless taxis and trucks are just around the corner because of the internet of things.
We have spent years training people to take responsibility for their own lives. We will not do that well in the future if we do not take digital revolution that is driving it seriously. Here is a list of books that may inform your analysis.
- Alec Ross, The Industries of the Future
- Al Gore, The Future
- Kevin Kelly, The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces that will Shape our Future
- Thomas L. Friedman, Thank you For Being Late: An optimist’s Guide to Thriving in the Age of Accelerations
- Walter Isaacson, The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution
- Steven Kotler, Peter H. Diamandis, Abundance: The Future is Better than you Think
- Viktor mayer-Schonberger, Kenneth Cukier, Big Data: A Revolution That will Transform how we live, Work, and Think
- Paul Scharre, Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of Ware.
Humans are interesting. We remember. We remember the past. We see the Future. People need both for Times Like these!
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