The way we speak can create or destroy community. It the past years political speech has become more and more destructive of community and individuals. Our speech should be worthy of those who are children of God and bear the image of God for the sake of the world. We commented on this some years ago.

The purpose of this site is to provide clarity about issues being faced by our nation. We are asking that those who comment and post here write in such a way that practicing citizens are informed about and alerted to the consequences of the issues we face. We hope that those who comment and blog here will follow in the tradition of President Eisenhower.

We seek analysis of issue and of solutions. Even though our political conversation have at time been very robust, we want to model speech that builds people up and does not tear them down. People know when they cross the line. So does the editor.

This site will welcome comments without moderation. That means that what is written is delivered to those who view this site. However, comments that in the editor’s opinion cross the line will be deleted,

Blogs will be moderated until we are sure that those who have applied for blog permissions know the program and are used speech that creates. Our goal is content that can assist practicing citizens in building a more perfect union.

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